Bus 13 Torino, Fermata 455 - TASSONI 13 CAMPANELLA CAPOLINEA, Torino

Bus 13 Torino on map and time schedules for bus 13 CAMPANELLA CAPOLINEA, Torino at a bus stop Fermata 455 - TASSONI. Find bus stops timetables and plan your bus trip in Torino, Torino.

Bus route on map:



Bus stops for 13 Torino:

Bus 13 Torino, CAMPANELLA


Fermata 455 - TASSONI
Bus 13 Torino on map and time schedules for bus 13 CAMPANELLA CAPOLINEA, Torino at a bus stop Fermata 455 - TASSONI. Find bus stops timetables and plan your bus trip in Torino, Torino.


Bus 13 Torino CAMPANELLA CAPOLINEA Bus Schedule Timetable Fermata 455 - TASSONI Bus stop
45.079410 7.655030
Monday to Friday, 0:18 - 23:50
Torino Italy