Bus F Davis, Oak Ave & Russell Blvd (SB) F to/from Memorial Union, Davis

Bus F Davis on map and time schedules for bus F to/from Memorial Union, Davis at a bus stop Oak Ave & Russell Blvd (SB). Find bus stops timetables and plan your bus trip in Davis, California.

Bus route on map:



Bus stops for F Davis:


Oak Ave & Russell Blvd (SB)
Bus F Davis on map and time schedules for bus F to/from Memorial Union, Davis at a bus stop Oak Ave & Russell Blvd (SB). Find bus stops timetables and plan your bus trip in Davis, California.


Bus F Davis to/from Memorial Union Bus Schedule Timetable Oak Ave & Russell Blvd (SB) Bus stop
38.546490 -121.752911
Monday to Sunday, 7:21 - 22:46
California USA