Bus 252 Bunbury, South Western Hwy Before Moore St 252 To Armadale Stn, Bunbury

Bus 252 Bunbury on map and time schedules for bus 252 To Armadale Stn, Bunbury at a bus stop South Western Hwy Before Moore St. Find bus stops timetables and plan your bus trip in Bunbury, Western Australia.

Bus route on map:



Bus stops for 252 Bunbury:

Bus 252 Bunbury, To Armadale


South Western Hwy Before Moore St
Bus 252 Bunbury on map and time schedules for bus 252 To Armadale Stn, Bunbury at a bus stop South Western Hwy Before Moore St. Find bus stops timetables and plan your bus trip in Bunbury, Western Australia.


Bus 252 Bunbury To Armadale Stn Bus Schedule Timetable South Western Hwy Before Moore St Bus stop
-32.179492 116.015488
Monday to Saturday, 7:59 - 18:35
Western Australia Australia