Bus 405 Adelaide, Stop 39 Morgan St - Southern side 405 Salisbury Paralowie Salisbury Loop Clockwise via Spains Rd Kings Rd and Waterloo Cr Rd, Adelaide

Bus 405 Adelaide on map and time schedules for bus 405 Salisbury Paralowie Salisbury Loop Clockwise via Spains Rd Kings Rd and Waterloo Cr Rd, Adelaide at a bus stop Stop 39 Morgan St - Southern side. Find bus stops timetables and plan your bus trip in Adelaide, South Australia.

Bus route on map:



Bus stops for 405 Adelaide:

Bus 405 Adelaide, Salisbury Paralowie Salisbury Loop


Stop 39 Morgan St - Southern side
Bus 405 Adelaide on map and time schedules for bus 405 Salisbury Paralowie Salisbury Loop Clockwise via Spains Rd Kings Rd and Waterloo Cr Rd, Adelaide at a bus stop Stop 39 Morgan St - Southern side. Find bus stops timetables and plan your bus trip in Adelaide, South Australia.


Bus 405 Adelaide Salisbury Paralowie Salisbury Loop Clockwise via Spains Rd Kings Rd and Waterloo Cr Rd Bus Schedule Timetable Stop 39 Morgan St - Southern side Bus stop
-34.775996 138.610028
Monday to Sunday, 5:40 - 19:54
South Australia Australia